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Here to in a sentence

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Sentence count:183+19Posted:2017-09-24Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: theretoadhere toheretoforeforetoldretortretouchcretonneferret out
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91 It is traditional around here to drink brandy with coffee as a morning pick-me-up.
92 Look, the situation in French agriculture is just a red herring. We're here to discuss the situation in this country.
93 We are not here to laugh. Charles De Gaulle 
94 This form of free agency appears here to stay.
95 Without question, the Africanized bees are here to stay.
96 Too bad Dickie isn't here to enjoy the fun.
97 The ascent from here to the summit looks fairly fearsome but it is not as bad as it seems.
98 They have to serve a cooked breakfast here to meet some kind of official standard.
99 Apparently the ballerina Pavlova came here to learn to dance like a swan for the ballet Swan Lake.
100 Possibly they are birds which have failed to breed successfully and have assembled here to moult.
101 We seem here to have further evidence of the apparent paradox about creativity and psychosis to which we have referred several times.
102 I am referring here to the recent growth in economic analysis of politics and law.
103 We can only generalize, and leave the composer to adapt the ideas put forward here to his own needs.
104 Many come here to ask blessings for an ill or injured loved one.
105 A hymn and acclamations known to everyone are open here to all, even on Easter Sunday evening.
106 The bell was now lowered very gradually, as she would be from here to the sea bed.
106 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
107 There is only room here to outline the bare facts about cuts and the main lines of argument that surround them.
108 The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help. Ronald Reagan 
109 Suffice it here to say that there have emerged other groups of educationists who present alternative views.
110 Even Republican governors, who had gathered here to give the candidate advice on Tuesday, were unaware of the decision.
111 It is not our purpose here to instruct you or anyone else in what is to be regarded as a significant event.
112 Each section flies a zig-zag from here to the Front and back.
113 From here to the top was a steep ascent of some five hundred yards, covered with large rocks and fallen timber.
114 He was here to soak in the atmosphere of the place.
115 Old men with their faces in the page, half asleep, here to escape whatever is out there.
116 Not only that, she administered artificial respiration and brought you round, and then came here to get help.
117 We could get up now and leave if we were merely here to accomplish the previously announced purpose of our visit.
118 From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere! Dr. Seuss 
119 Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. Being shot out of a cannon will always be better than being squeezed out of a tube. That is why God made fast motorcycles, Bubba... Hunter S. Thompson 
120 She said she was coming in here to eat some breakfast.
More similar words: theretoadhere toheretoforeforetoldretortretouchcretonneferret outexcretoryset fire tocarburetorberethereticoperettausherettehereticalmagnetospherein reference tolaunderettewith reference tomeretriciouswhere the shoe pinchesneither here nor therehere and therecerebral hemispheresee tovetouse tolet outget off
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